Windows resources

Windows resources is default graphs in controller.
✓Drag and drop windows resources graph then right click on it and choose add measurement , there add the counters what you are going to miner during the test.
Note: we can monitor the remote machines also by configuring the credentials of remote machine.
✓once the test got completed then right click on windows resources graph and choose save as html and save it.
✓using windows resources we can monitor the counters like

From cpu level
processor time
User time
Idle time
Cpu interrupts etc. ..

From memory level
available bytes
Commited bytes
Page faults read per sec
Page faults write per sec
Cache by memory etc...

From dusk level
Disk read time
Avg disk bytes read per sec
Avg disk bytes write per sec
Current disk queue length
Avg disk queue length etc........

From system level
processor queue length
Context switching
Threads etc.....

From Server level
Hits per sec
Requests per sec
Idle workers
Active workers
Bytes per sec etc......

From network level
connections established
Connections failed
Network delay etc......

Note :for UNIX resources also we will follow the same procedure as like as windows resources.

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