FTP Request Sampler

The following steps we have to follow to test the FTP server.
Step 1: open jmeter
step 2: add thread group to test plan
step 3: add config element as FTP request defaults. ( see the following screen shot)

we have to enter configuration details .
The Config Element- "FTP Request Defaults" is required to be added as child of the Thread Group. Here you can add configure default properties that can be used by multiple "FTP Request sampler" like FTP server name, port, remote file, local file, mode etc.
Step 4: Add the sampler FTP request (see the below screenshot)

            Enter all the configuration elements as like as FTP request config element but additionally we have to enter credentials ( user name and password) to connect to the FTP server.

Step 5: Add the listeners . ( To know the output we have to add the listeners.)
Step 6: add assertion also if you want. (For validation)
step 7: Run the test.