Load Runner interview Question & Answers-8

Q351.In one of my loan application, 70% loan has to be approved. 30% loan has to be rejected irrespective of the number of iterations. How to achieve this?
To achieve above scenario, I will insert both of the actions into one block and I will provide the % by choosing random property option.
Q352.I am recording a business scenario but I failed to record the events.
Answer: If you are failed to launch the application, then change the DEP (Data Execution Prevention) settings in my computer properties.
Step 1 : My Computer
Step 2 :Properties
Step 3 :Advanced System Settings
Step 4 :Advanced Performance Settings
Step 5 :DEP
Step 6 :Choose turn on DEP for all programs.
Q353.How many places you can find server response?
From the following places we can find the server responses.
Full mode of replay log.
Generation log.
Snapshot view.
Tree view.
Empty LB and empty RB function.
Q354.How to design manual scenario?
Follow the following steps to design manual scenario.
1. Choose manual scenario.
2. Push the script into controller.
3. Choose schedule by scenario (or) schedule by group.
4. Choose real world (or) basic schedule.
5. Assign the quantity.
6. Assign load generators.
7. Verify connectivity with LG’s.
8. Configure SLA’s (if required).
9. Configure runtimes settings for every script.
10. Set the result path.
11. Provide ramp up, ramp down, duration.
Q355.How-to design goal oriented scenario?
Follow the following steps to design goal oriented scenario.
1. Choose goal oriented scenario.
2. Push the scripts into controller.
3. Click on edit scenario goal.
4. Provide profile name.
5. Provide goal type and threshold point.
6. Provide max and min users.
7. Provide duration once it reaches the goal.
8. Configure notifications if it is not able to reach goal.
9. Distribute load in terms of percentage.
10. Assign LG and check the connectivity.
11. Configure SLA’s (if required).
12. Set the result path.
Q356.What is the differences between request and hit?
Request : User action is a request.
Hit: Successful request is a hit.
Q357.What is load balancing?
Load balancer is a URL, which will distribute load in between web instances.
As part of performance testing you will receive two kinds of URL.
1. Direct URL: It will access web instance directly.
2. Load balancer URL: which will distribute the load in between web instances.
Q358.While running the test how to verify whether load balancing is happening properly are not?
While running the test we have to monitor resource utilization (C.P.U and Memory) each and every instance. If all the instances are using same level of C.P.U and memory, then we can conclude that LB is happening properly. If any one of the instance reporting less C.P.U memory utilization then we have to conclude LB is not happening properly.
Q359.What are the actions you can perform while running the test?
The following actions we can perform while executing the test.
1. Add the users.
2. Delete or kill the users.
3. Add the script.
4. Disable or delete the script.
5. Verify the user runtime viewer.
6. Verify the user log.
7. Verify how many users running currently.
8. Add or change the LG for down status users.
9. Identifying which transactions are passing and failing.
10. Verify who the users are ramping up, throughput, hits per second etc.
Q360.Is it possible to transfer RTS from controller to vugen? Why?
RTS will be transferred to controller from vugen script but not vice versa.
Q361.Where do you place the think time?
We should not place the think time in between start and end transaction. Always place the think time after end transaction.
Q362.Where we can find a screen shot?
Go to the vuser log and click on the camera symbol.
Navigate to the LG results path and you can find HTML page for every error.
Q363.How to add multiple load generators for single script?
To add multiple generators we have to follow below steps.
Step 1: Select the group
step 2:Click on vusers
step 3:Add new LGs against vusers
Q364.How to add multiple scripts against one group?
To add multiple scripts follow below steps
step 1:Select the group
step 2:Click on vusers
step 3: Add new script for existing users or new users
Q365.How to schedule a test to start at particular time?
Using start time option (under scenario schedule), we can schedule a test to run at
particular time. Don't forget to hit start button after scheduling.
Q366.How to create multiple schedules in one “.lrs” file?
Using new schedule option, we can create multiple schedules for various kind of test.
Q367.On what basis you are deciding how many LGs required for test?
Based on below parameters, you can decide how many LGs are required
1. Number of users
2. LG configuration
3. Script variables and size
4. Protocol type
5. Running vuser as a thread or process
Q368.Is it possible to extend the test duration while running the test?
Yes . possible to extend the test duration using pause and resume schedule option.
Q369.How to copy scheduler settings (ramp up, duration and ramp down) from one script to another script?
Using copy scheduler options, we can copy the scheduler settings from one script to
multiple scripts.
Q370.My script is working fine in vugen but not in controller?
  • Verify whether you are able to access the application from the LG
  • Verify LG runtime quota.
  • May be load balancing is not happening properly.
Q371.Tell me few common errors found in controller?
  • web_reg_find failed to find the text
  • User abnormally terminated
  • Authentication failed 403 forbidden error.
  • HTTP 500 error.
  • Memory violation exception error.
  • No match found for the requested parameter
Q372.How to generate the reports?
Step 1:Choose reports
step 2:Navigate to report template
step 3:Click on generate report
step 4:Save on required format.
Q373.How to create a template?
Step 1:Select Tools
step 2:Navigate to templates
step 3:Create new template
step 4:Click on save and close button.
Q374.How to add existing template to current session?
Step 1:Open “.lra” file
step 2:Go to tools
step 3:Choose templates
step 4:Select specific template
step 5:Apply to session.
Q375.What is the difference between absolute graph and relative graph?
Absolute graph plots the graph based on the system time. Relative graph plots the graph based on elapsed time.
Q376. How to measure the response time for file uploading request?
For uploading the file, put the transaction timers across the request and cross check afterwards by extracting the date/time information from the repository and load runner transaction.
And also using text verification function we have to verify whether successfully uploaded text is present or not.
Q377. How to measure the response time for file downloading request?
For downloading, put the transaction timers across that request and use web_get_int_property( HTTP_INFO_DOWNLOAD_SIZE ) function as controlling mechanism to stop the timer.
Q378. How to handle dynamic page requests?
To handle dynamic page request , first we have identify the request which is causing to generate dynamic fields. Then for that particular request copy the body from the url mode and also identify string format .
After that using strcat() ,sprintf(), and for loop we have have to build the string.
Write web_custom_request() and substitute that builded string in the body of web_custom_request() function.
Q379. In a scenario i have 100 users but i have limited data which was not reusable. Now which parameter properties i have to use to design a test?
When ever we don't have sufficient data points at that using when out off values we can instruct either the user has to come out or continue in a cyclic manner or continue with the last value.
Q380. In a scenario i have 100 users but i have limited data which was reusable. Now which parameter properties i have to use to design a test?
If the data is reusable then either we can use sequential or random we can use as a parameter property to design the test.
Q381. I have 10 scripts. while executing those i wanna target each and every script with targeted number of users? Then what is your approach to design such type of scenario?
To design such type of scenario we have to select the scenario as schedule by group. So that individually we can distribute the load to the all he scripts.
Q382. I have 10 scripts. while executing those i wanna execute all in a single group for that what is your approach to design the scenario?
To design such type of scenario we have to select the scenario as schedule by scenario. So that controller will consider all the scripts as a single group.
Q383. How to know that whether a file is uploaded or not?
once the file is uploaded immediately the text will appear like the file successfully uploaded . So using the text verification function web_reg_find() we can verify either the file was uploaded or not.
Q384. There is any impact will be on the response times? Why?
The impact should be there on the response times because while loading a page for the first time all the supporting files will be loaded for this browser took some time this will be includes in the response time.
Where as without clearing cache files again the user triggered one more same request is the response would come too early than previous.
So we should remove cache and cookie files for each and every iteration.
Q385. While executing the test with 1K you found that system memory reached to 95%. The customer asked you to execute test with 1.5K ? Is it possible to kick off the test ? Why?
Already the memory is reached to 95% so not possible to execute the test with the same instances. So definitely we have scale up our instances to kickoff one more test with 1.5K users.
Q386. For a retail application client asked that suddenly load should increase How to design such type of scenario?
For this kind of scenario we have to design spike test.
Step 1: inject the script into the controller
step 2: copy the same script as a second script.
Step 3: choose schedule by group and assign targeted number of users to both the scripts.
Step 4: first run the first script and after some time to apply the load suddenly on the application run the second script .
Q387. The users are login to the application . If user is successfully logged in then only the page is redirect to next page otherwise again user has to perform same login transaction?
I will insert the text verification function web_reg_find to know whether the user logged in to the application or not .
After that using If else and strcmp functions and using user defined function I will complete this scenario.
if (strcmp(lr_eval_string(“{textcount}”),==0))
lr_output_message(“the login is failed”);
lr_output_message(“the login is successful”);
Q388. How to generate random value from an array?
Using correlation function web_reg_save_param capture the dynamic values and all the values were stored in an array.
Using lr_paramarr_random () function we can generate a random number from that array.
int x;
Q389. In a scenario all the boundaries are matching . i wanna capture all values ? How to do ?
Using ordinal argument we can capture all values whose boundaries are matching/same.
Q390. How to edit the script?
Once the script was recorded then we can edit script by parameterization , correlation , inserting transactions, inserting validation points , inserting rendezvous points and also we can perform enhancements like using c functions and file operations.
Q391. Why we need to give think time in between requests?
Giving think time in between the requests is must because if we did not give the think time the requests will fair back to back this is not realistic.
So to create realistic environment and also to give breathing time to the server we will give think time in between the requests.
Q392. What is the differences between HTML and URL modes?
HTML mode
URL mode
1. used for web based applications
2. for each every reply separate step will be recorded.

3. generates requests in the form of either web_url or web_submit_data.
1. used for desktop applications
2. For each every reply separate step will be recorded along with the server side responses .
3. generates requests in the form of web_custom_request.

Q393. What is the differences between socket level and wininet level data?
In general socket level data is used for web based applications and wininet level is used for client server applications like desktop applications.
When ever we found that few action are missed during the recording a script at the time we will change the capture level.
Q394. What you will do when the response time is not meeting as required?
Once test got executed we will compare the response times with the expected if both are meeting that is called exit criteria if not then we have to drill down for the bottle necks from client side , server side , application side and also from the configuration side.
Q395. What is the difference between performance center and controller ?

Performance center
1. PC is web interface of the controller
2. we can book the slot to execute the test.
3. we can download the scripts and also .lrr files where ever we are.
1. controller is stand alone machine.
2. we can not book the slot to execute the test.
3. Not possible to download .lrr file.

Q396. How you will convince the client to do performance testing of the application?
Once the application deployed in the production the total business of the client depends on that particular client application. If any unexpected things like suddenly huge amount of load will fall on the application might be the chance to crash the application at that time the client business may loss. This issue becomes the major issue to the client. So we have to tell about the signification and the need of the performance test and what happens if we didn't conduct the test to the client.
Q397. Why we need to create rules?
The clients are identified that few of the dynamic values are common across the technologies like user id , token id , session id etc. For each and every time to correlate dynamic values which are having common boundaries take some time. To avoid this we are going to create rules.
If we created a rules , when ever the boundaries were matched automatically the dynamic value will be correlated.
Q398. Is it possible to exchange the rules?
Yeah , possible. Once we crated a rule , the rule will be saved with extension as “.cor”.
So we can share this “.cor” file either in between the scripts or in between the peers.
Q399. How to generate the auto text verification functions for all the requests?
To generate auto text verification functions enable the option auto text verification under advanced option in the recording options.
Q400. How to regenerate the script once the the script was recorded?
To regenerate the script hit on recording option and choose regenerate .

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